BnB Basics

A Clubfoot Mom with Maureen HoffA podcast for parents who are on the treatment journey with the clubfoot cuties. This podcast will discuss different aspects of clubfoot treatment from a parents perspective. Each podcast will cover a different aspect…

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This episode provides a brief overview of the Boots and Bar bracing device. It discusses the different types of boots available, and the different bar, the bracing schedule, and the reason the BnB is vital for your child's successful clubfoot treatment.

Excerpt From This Episode:

“I think a lot of parents will ask, "Which bar? Which boot? What should I use?" My recommendation is to know your options, know that there are other bars out there.

If the Ponseti bar isn't working for you or if the Dobbs bar is not working for you, know that there are other options available. Same with the boots, know that there are other options that are available if you need it, but remember to work what is working.

I always tell people, if it's working then don't change it. If it isn't and you're running into issues, then talk to your doctor about it, come up with a game plan that might involve something different and ask for different options. Advocate for your kid if that's what you need.

I think it's really important that you know that there are different options out there and that you can discuss those options with your doctor openly, and you guys can make decisions together.

The boots and bar maintenance phase is really on you as parents, and so you need to work what's working best for you. If it's not working, then you need to have support in figuring out something else that can work or what you can do to make what you have work better.”


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